Spring Is Here!

Wow, Spring is finally here!

We have noticed people out mowing their lawns, getting flower beds ready and tidying up landscaping. Hopefully, cold weather is finally behind us. Don’t let the sun fool you in March! It is still easy to get a sunburn if you are not careful!

With the warmer weather comes a lot of outside activities. One of those activities is our annual “Yard of the Week” contest. It will be starting a little earlier this year on May 7th and end July 2nd . We decided to start earlier as it was difficult for many of us to maintain our yards throughout July and August due to the extremely hot weather. Yards will be judged by the Board each week on Saturday, with a winner announced by the following Monday. Pictures of winners will be posted to the website each week. Good luck to you and, hopefully, you will be one of our winners this year!

Our annual ice cream social will be moved from July to September. Hopefully, it will be cooler in September so more neighbors can enjoy this annual event! The date is still being determined. We will post the date on the website and send an email to all residents once the date is finalized. Other neighborhood activities will be announced on the website soon!

Have a great spring….