Spring Is In The Air…..Hopefully!

It is starting to feel like spring is getting nearer.  We have noticed more people out and about the last few weeks.  Hopefully we are not far off! 

As warmer weather becomes more prevalent, you will notice a lot more activity outside.  This usually means we will be getting flowerbeds ready and “tuning” up the lawnmower!  It won’t be long before our annual “Yard of the Week” contest starts up. This year the contest will be held from May 6th and end June 30th.  Yards will be judged by the Board each week by Sunday, with a winner announced the following Monday. Pictures of the winning yards will be posted to the website each week. Good luck!

We have a few additional topics to list for this post.  First, the Board would like to thank the homeowners who have paid their AVHOA dues for 2013. For the homeowners who have not yet paid, we are posting this friendly reminder that payment of $203.00 is now due. Please send payment via US Mail to: AVHOA, 4004 Chickasha, Edmond, OK 73013.

Another topic we like to remind home owners about is driving safely in the neighborhood.  When the weather is nice outside, the kids will get out of the house to play outside. Please drive responsibly through our neighborhood and be mindful of children crossing the street or playing near traffic. Please watch your speed, especially where Anadarko and Chickasha streets meet Tahlequah Drive. These intersections seem to be the main areas to watch as you drive. We appreciate your attention.

Finally, don’t forget about our neighborhood directory available to you on the website.  We update it twice per year.  The directory is password protected and only AVHOA residents have access. If you need access, please call a board member or email us at info@arrowheadvalleyhoa.com. Once we verify the homeowners request, we will be happy to provide the password to access the directory.
