Summer Is Right Around The Corner…

Arrowhead Valley Friends & Neighbors:

Summer is near! Our annual Yard of the Week contest starts next week (5/27/13). Winners get to display the “Yard of the Week” sign in their yard for one week. Contest ends 7/15/12. Yards are judged on the following:

1. Yards neatly trimmed, edged and weed-free.
2. Shrubs, plants, bushes and greenery trimmed and well-kept.
3. Colorful flower beds and landscaping.

Good luck to everyone!

Edmond Schools are now out for the summer. This means that children will be out playing in their yards and at our park at all times of the day. They will also be crossing our streets and driveways, so please drive careful (and slowly) in our neighborhood and watch out as you back out of your driveway. Let’s keep the kids safe!

If you have telephone, cell phone or email address updates, please email them to and we will update the Arrowhead Valley Directory with your new information. The directory is password protected and only residents have access to it. If you need the password, please email or call one of the board members. Board member information is located on the “Contact” page of the website.

Don’t forget our summer cookout party is coming up fast on Saturday, June 15th. More info coming soon!
Thanks and have a great summer!